
PROGRAMMED: a Complete Graphic Novel

Created by Mike Cisneros

Create the girl of you dreams... what could go wrong?

Latest Updates from Our Project:

And AWAAAY we go!!!
about 4 years ago – Sat, Mar 28, 2020 at 03:43:08 PM

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update to let you know that the Graphic Novel was sent to print this week! Woo-hoo!!! From what I understand it's about 8 weeks from now to get the books in. They have not alerted me to any delays due to the Coronavirus, but so far, I am on track to have you books in hand by July (possibly earlier). Once the books arrive, it's all about getting me and Team Diaverik locked in a room together for a day to sign copies for those that ordered it (hopefully the quarantine in LA will be lifted by then).

All of the extra goodies have been ordered - I am still waiting on the enamel pins and the magnets to arrive, but everything else is here and being assembled. Next up, I am going to be preparing the digital rewards - including the digital copy of the Graphic Novel, the digital wallpaper, and the Novella. Those will all be ready to send out along with the books.

Finally, if you've not filled out your BackerKit survey, please make sure to do so. While you are there, check out some of the neato add-ons in the Pre-Order store.

I'll keep you posted as more develops, but please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime.

Hugs & Kisses


Surveys and other things...
about 4 years ago – Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 06:40:20 PM

Happy Friday!

I hope that you are all remaining safe and healthy.

You should have received a survey to confirm your rewards - so fill that out sometime within the next couple months to ensure there is no delay getting you goodies. They survey will also connect you to a shop where you can add-on to your existing pledge - this includes some stuff that was requested by a few backers, including the Novella (digital only) and a free extra bookmark.

You'll also notice that the Kickstarter landing page has a Pre-Order link - this is only for those that haven't backed the book yet - you're best to use the link in the survey to ensure the best possible deal. But if you know anyone who may enjoy the book that hasn't already backed the project, please feel free to share it.

Also, I plan to send the finalized book to the printer next Friday... so if you still haven't told me how you want your name to read, let me know right away (I'll extend the deadline till Sunday at 8pm PST).

FINALLY, I've already got the lithograph prints in - they are SPECTACULAR and on matte paper (the shine is from the plastic they are wrapped in). Holy cow they look good. I'll be bagging and boarding these bad boys over the next few weeks. Pictured below is the standard prints - the NSFW prints aren't shown, but they also look AMAZING.

Standard Lithograph Collection

If you want to buy frames, all of the prints are 8"x10" and GORGEOUS.

That's it for now. Thanks again for your support - things are moving along nicely despite everything going on in the world.

Socially Distanced Hugs & Kisses


Your Name...
about 4 years ago – Thu, Mar 05, 2020 at 04:56:32 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

about 4 years ago – Fri, Feb 21, 2020 at 08:25:43 PM


Holy smokes you guys, what a freaking ride. I seriously cannot express my eternal gratitude enough to each and every one of you... YOU did this. You helped to make art. You helped publish a book. You are a producer, an investor, a visionary, a f*cking bad-ass! Give yourself a pat on the back, a handshake, an awkwardly long hug... whatever you please, 'cuz you deserve it!!!

As for me, I am going to take a well deserved break for the next week or so - this campaign has been EXHAUSTING. While Kickstarter goes about collecting money and whatnot, I'm gonna recharge my batteries a bit and then get back to work to begin the actual production process (eek! I am legit excited to be typing these words).

You've all helped make my dream a reality. I've been working on this book for so long that it's such a relief to be at this place and to have so many of you show your support for the YEARS of work I've spent on a passion project that has become an actual THING (run-on sentence - I know).

From the bottom of my little black heart - THANK YOU!

Now let's pour ourselves a celebratory drink!

Cheers to you beautiful humans!!!


about 4 years ago – Thu, Feb 20, 2020 at 02:03:04 PM

Thank you all SOOOO much!!!

I am so incredibly humbled and grateful.

We still have till tomorrow at 7pm unlock some extra goodies - but for now, I am just ecstatic.

Hugs & Kisses
